Who We Are?


Our vision is to empower all children to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being.

What we do?

Consortium for Inclusive Education aims to bring about a fundamental shift in the existing education system from seeing difference as a problem to celebrating the diversity of learners and providing all necessary support to enable equitable participation.

We work towards an educational experience that enables all children, irrespective of their learning needs to have a meaningful and enriching learning experience within the regular school system.

How we do it?

We deliver programmes / initiatives / services that support teachers to create inclusive environment in their classrooms to reflect their changing professional needs.

We bring together schools, organizations and individuals who are committed to ensuring that every child and young person with Special education needs can achieve their potential at school.

Our team of education specialists have put together a bank of information and resources to provide easy access to the most up-to-date knowledge and support which is rooted in research and evidence-informed best practice.

We have published books which include accessibility explanations and examples of best practice, as well as tools and techniques that you can use to improve provision in schools.